Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Direct tv question?

I used to have cox and my favorite tv station was abc family, but ever since i got direct tv all the shows have been at different for example grounded for life on cox was at 7:00, but on direct tv it's at 4:00. I was woundering if the time was set for estern like new york or something because i live in california. If anyone now how to fix this please tell me and give me all the details. Thankyou♥♥♥

Only helful informaition please.

Direct tv question?
First, are you sure you're not looking at the Distant Network Services (DNS)? There are a few channels that you have to submit waiver requests (and have them granted) in order to view them. There are one set each from LA (west coast) and NY (east coast). They're only for markets (zip codes) where DirecTV cannot legally provide local affiliates because they do not have permission.

If that's not the case, check to see if you can change the time zone settings on your receiver like another person said. If that doesn't work, verify that the address on your DirecTV account is correct. Oftentimes the receiver will set itself by your physical address on file, and if the zip code is wrong you can have a few problems other than the time.
Reply:Check the website or your guide. I know at one time when we had DTV we had both an East and a West coast channel. They were ABCE and ABCW. Usually they are next to each other in the guide. Hope this helps.
Reply:In the settings (Menu%26gt;Display%26gt;Time Zone), there is a time zone setting. It might work, but I don't know. If all else fails, contact Customer Service.
Reply:All times listed on Directv are Eastern Time and you have to subtract 4 hours, Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific. I live in the Central time zone so I have to subtract 1 hour from the time listed. There is no way to "fix" it, you just have to live with it. If you can bring up a menu of what is playing the time listed is as a rule the time in your time zone. I beleive Cox was a cable company so they would show local time. You can call DirecTV and the person can explain it to you.

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