Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What does this mean? I hate watching TV. I literally can not tolerate watching anything on tv.?

If i am stuck in a place like a waiting room with a TV on, i have to go outside if possible. I haven't watched tv in my home since approximately 2003. If I am visiting someone and they have their TV on, i go in another room. It's hard to explain why i hate TV. I like radio, i like looking at news and weather and other stuff on the internet, but i can't watch news or weather or anything else on TV. Sports and sit-coms piss me off the most.

What is the cause of this weird aversion to TV?

What does this mean? I hate watching TV. I literally can not tolerate watching anything on tv.?
Maybe you feel as though the TV is talking too much.

Maybe you feel like it is taking up space in that room and when it is on, it is distracting.

Maybe you like to choose what you look at instead of sitting there staring at the TV and having it show you things that you do not want to see. You are in charge of what you do with your time. Perhaps TV is not quality time for you. When you are on the Internet you have control.

I hope this helps.
Reply:I have no idea, but it's kind of awesome. It certainly can't be too bad for you.
Reply:I used to watch all the time. Now I found I have better things to do, and the content of TV does not arouse my interest.

So I may watch 5 hours a year. It may not be an aversion, just an unwanted distraction. I hate the TV in the waiting rooms, and feel dissed if I go visit someone who does not turn off their TV while I am there.
Reply:I have experienced the same thing in the past year or so! I used to watch tv with no problem Now it seems like there is so many offensive things on there and I just don't like to watch anymore. Too many naked women (everywhere you look). It seems like every commercial has a half naked woman in it. Now I know it's not every commercial, but it sure seems like more than half! And forsome reason this sends me into an upheaval. I get so mad and yell and leave the room. So now I just stay on my PC and don't pay attention to the tv, or it'll drive me nuts! TV offends me, and I'm not sure if it has to do with my mental illness (bipolar) or what?

EDIT: the one below me has a great answer. maybe that's what it is!
Reply:If you hate sports and sitcoms then it probably has to do with the sound. Sports has the cheering and commentary, and sitcoms have the fake annoying laugh tracks and are just loud in general. I hate that too.
Reply:You need to get out and get fresh air.

Why abuse your body in front of a stupid television set that has programming they hope will control your mind.

You know better.

Your cells need oxygen, energy and sunlight. Drink water too.

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