If mexico is only 9% white,Why is basiacaly everone on mexican TV white??If most Mexican people have jet black hair,why don't most on Mexican TV??? If Mexico is one percent Asian, How acome you never see A Chinses Mexiacn On There TV??? My Boyfriend %26amp; his friends are Mexiacn %26amp; non of them look like the actors on Mexiacn Tv %26amp; the women mostly look like Christina Aguillera Cameron daiz type.Not your average Latin American person. also some one tell Mexiacn Actesees that but implants do not look good half women on Mexican soap operas have big Serena wiiliamn booty,it is quite obviou to me %26amp; others that Someone shoved a couple of Basketballs in there.The women you see in Mexico look nothing like that. i'm not tying to offend anyone,but why is Mexiacn Entertainment so undivese?? If mexico is a Multi-racail nation???
Is Mexican Tv racist????
I have Mexican friends and they are a little racist if I say so myself.Also look at what is happening in California. I have no idea why though. I need to ask. Mexican TV is heavily influenced by the European look. They love to read vogue and stuff.I know that a lot of the actresses get surgery from eyebrows to butt implants. I cannot for the life of me figure it out especially since they come in all different shades.
check it out. I never said they were all as I have Mexican friends that are awesome, but some will definitely call a black person MAYATE. Trust I know. I think this is not true, but you never know.
Reply:i think mexican tv is racist and i'm mexican.
my hair is jet black, just like you described it, yet i don't see any Mexican actresses or actors with tan skin..they're all white.
it makes my blood boil. the only "real" mexican i can think of that is famous throughout Mexico is "La India Maria", now she's a REAL Mexican, in my opinion.
Reply:The only time I've seen an Asian person for sure is at a Chinese restaurant other than that I've never seen in person an Asian in Mexico.
Were I come from and in my family we don't see race, I mean have my family has light skin and the rest have clear brown skin we only see shades of skin not races. (Again this is my family).
I haven't seen an actress that has a implanted booty, care to refer to one please?
Actually the females were I'm from look the same or better, it might not be the same on small towns in the middle of nowhere.
Also low income females in Mexico take better care of themselves than females from the states, I noticed this and my aunt noticed this since she does hair. Middle and upper class take care of themselves a lot more.
Reply:I don't think Mexican TV is racist.
I don't know where you got your 9% from, but I'm willing to bet you that the number of 'white' Mexicans is much, much higher than that 9%. You will find that Latinos in general come in all colors. From blonde, blue eyed to the very dark with black hair. I'm also from Durango, MX where we have a HUGE diversity. I have family members in each side of the spectrum (light and dark skinned). My point is that there is no such thing as a 'average Latin American person' just like there is no such thing as an 'average American person'.
As far as putting very good looking people in the shows, well, that's just part of the business. They're just trying to draw a large number of viewers just like the US channels do.
Reply:I have to disagree with SmartBob there.. we make fun of everyone :D we aren't racists at all! we make no exceptions :P it IS part of our culture just like it is part of the japanese culture to be extremely polite. and i believe the ones we make most fun of is ourselves, and that's just because we rather laugh at things than be all serious and arrogant about them.
And about the original subject.. it's business. it's tv business and it's marketing and it's a distorted perception of beauty and it's just trying to sell. I don't see ANY real human beings actually looking like Cameron Diaz or Christina Aguilera.. and does who DO, do look like that because they starve to death, have tons of surgeries and torture themselves with insane exercise and insane cosmetic procedures and chemicals and whatnot.
Don't get me started on what american actresses do versus what mexican actresses do, because I think we'll find the ratio is totally incomparable (cosmetic surgery-wise).
It has nothing to do with nationality, it has to do with Marketing. Hidden agendas and brainwashing people into trying to be something they're not.
Reply:I think you are absolutly right, not just TV but most of mexican people are racist, specially those who consider themselves as people from upper class, you can notice their way to speak, and if you ever have the chance to visit Mexico you will realize what I am talking about, the US is always critized and blamed of being racist, but in Mexico is twice worst, we have inmigrants here too, but many mexicans apply their rules to threat them, if white (caucasian) is always welcome and well treated but if central or south american, they are seeing as bad people, and people make jokes about them, this is something everybody knows here, I wont tell you about our ethnics group the treat to them is even worse, so dont be surprise of mexican TV it just reflect our culture.
Reply:I like chili dogs!
Reply:I think because they are making fun of white people. If you pay attention to the programming you'll notice that it is all a spin off from American TV. Or else these people are trying to be Spanish and not Mexican. Go figure.
Reply:yes juss few ppl is white but talkin abt the rest, well there r many tones of brown skins going frm the brown almost black 2 the brown almost white, brown-yellow, brown-olive....so its not true tht most of the ppl on tv r white....they have mayb light brown skin color.
Most of the ppl with blond hair is cause they paint it...this same thing happens in the states.
Asians in mexico r mostly ilegal....thts y they dont appear on tv.
I wouldnt say tht mexico is a multi racial nation, i mean, in the states u can easily identify the white-americans, the black, the white-europeans, the oriental, the arabic, cause they preserve their fisical characterisics (mayb theres not such a mix of one race with another, i dunno). In mex since the colony times, the spanish had children with the indians, and the indians with the black slaves and the children of this ones with chineses and so on, so theres an incredible mix of the races and after some generations we juss look like a mix, we dont keep the specific characteristics of each race.
I think tht most americans have the idea tht all mexicans look like the ilegal mexicans u have in the states (juss a theory, in ur case i know u dont cause of ur bf) .....my sis lived 4 a time in the states ans when her american friends looked her wedding pix they asked m sis if she has a lot of american friends cause almost everyone in the pix look like americans.....all the ppl in my sis`s wedding was mexican with mexican parents and mexican grandmarents, with no american or european family.
Reply:Ok I read all the questions and they're all nonsense..not all mexicans are dark brown or have the tanned skin...My family is from Durango mexico and trust me there are so many people there that can pass off as white americans! I have family from both sides that are light and have blue eyes....So not every mexican is dark skinned and no we don't we are not tv racist..and the only parts of mexico you'll find chinese mexicans are in Queretaro mexico which is close to mexico city. that's where you'll find alot of them. Hope I helped! =]
Reply:Mexicans that migrate to the states are mostly poor, that means that they are usually of indigenous origin which explains why they aren't white. Most white mexicans have higher incomes so they don't have to migrate in search for opportunities. That's why you rarely see them in the states and if you see them you won't even think they are mexican. It's not racism, it's just they are decsendents of european immigrants and had money and better opportunities since many generations back. The income gap has been slowly closing since the 1920's between both ethnic groups.
Reply:There are many different 'kinds' of mexicans, not all of them have jet black hair and dark skin... MANY of us are light skinned with light colored eyes... we speak Spanish, becuase of the SPANISH (From Spain, also most have light skinn) Heard of the Spanish inquisition? people, there are MANY blonde blue-eyed Mexicans, especially in Mexico City, Monterrey, Cuernavaca, etc.... NOT all Mexican's look the way you imagine in your head, and just because someone is a different skin tone doesnt make them 'white.' or any less Mexican for that matter.
Reply:Beacuse, just like in the united states, mexico is made up of diffrent ethnicities , therefore you will see many different looking mexicans and althoug not very common there are many blonde blue eyed green eyed mexicans because of french, spanish blood. The spanish conquest caused a lot of mixing around so now not everyone in mexico is of true blood of anything. I am myself spanish, indian, lebanese etc etc and yet i'm blue eyed with blonde hair.
Now if you look at the t.v not all actresses look american or blonde, there are some dark skinned people in there too and of course they will not look like the rest of the population, that's why they are on t.v they are chosen because of their looks and sometimes talent just like in the U.S , they are expected to look above average just like any celebrity.
Reply:That happens in many Latin American countries.
Have you looked at the Miss Universe pageants? If yes, you'll notice that even though Latin American women are considered to be "most beautiful", the women that actually represent those countries are NEVER native/indigenous women. They are always white Latinas. The darkest women they send may have a tan, but they are not true native women.
India is much the same. If you look at Bollywood stars, they are all very light, but most people in India are dark.
It's just the beauty standard. People who are white or who look white are currently seen as being the "beautiful" people, and since everyone likes to see "beautiful" people on TV, those are the ones that they show.
Reply:Mexican TV is a business that is expected to make a profit like any other business. There is a standard of beauty, worldwide, that applies to all media, and mexico is no different. That is why Angie and Brad are cast for certain roles, that if other very talented actors that are less pretty were to take on, well, there would be no guarantee of success. Whether we talk telenovelas or the latest "gringo"blockbuster, its all about the (thin) pretty people. Mexican society is very CLASSIST, NOT RACIST. And like in real life, the "lighter" Mexicans are the ones, usually, with the cash. So if the telenovela is about some rich family, they are white. Their "help" depending on their socioeconomic level will gradually get darker and darker.
Light skin is also common in the the middle class, but bear in mind than the average standard of living of the mexican middle class is way higher than middle class in the "developed world". Most movies and tv shows are about middle/high class and the people who aspire to join their ranks. It is only a reflection of the daily life of the people in charge of writing and producing tv and films. Now with the implants, go figure: Dolly Parton, Anna Nicole, Pam Anderson...?
Reply:That was before. Now things are begining to change.
The monopoly of mexican TV was in the hands of the upper middle class who liked to see only beautiful faces on tv, wich is ver racist. They didn't look for any talent or skills, just appearences.
And yes we are a multiracial country, with jews, europeans, lebaneses, asians,etc
You will find more white people in the north of the country, where you find less indian people, on the contrary of the soutn where are more indian cultures.
tooth fairy
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