I have a TV w/1 coax antenna input. I want to use my TV's internal tuner for Cable TV AND over-the-air High Definition. Right now, I have a cheap switch that allows me to select which of these signals I am sending to the tuner.
Problem is, it's a real pain to get up and down off the couch to operate the manual switch. I thought about combining cable and high def signals, but I've heard that there may be some problems with distortion. Anyone know of a good way to combine HDTV antenna and cable TV? Or - Anyone know if a way to make switching an easier process?
I am up for a recommendation on an external tuner that will remotely switch between inputs, or tune and line up what's available from each of these signals?
** I've seen that TIVO and Direct TV have DVR's that combine information from two signals. The box and TV guide service may not be an option for us (long story).
Managing TV Antenna Inputs?
Your fundamental problem is that off-the-air channels and cable channels are in diff. frequencies (the lower numbers match but the higher number's don't). That's why when you scan for channels you specify air or cable.
So, it works, but you may be missing some channels, unless you have really basic cable.
All new digital set-top boxes have an off-the-air antenna input that allows you to combine both off-the-air and cable or satellite reception. So, my suggestion is to try to get a set-top box from your cable provider. You can use the antenna for HD and the set-top box for the other channels/
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