Friday, July 16, 2010

If TV is Haram, why does al Qaeda release vidz of bin Laden & terrorism thru their As-Sahab media production?

"The severest punished on the Day of Qiyaamah will be the picture makers". Muhammad said this as he smashed a picture.

Angel don't enter houses with pics either it says in Qur'an so therefore we shouldn't enter houses with pictures.

Go on the link I gave and you will clearly see, at least from a fundamentalist view, that TV is haram.

So if bin Laden is a fundamentalist who gave up TV and pictures when he got his first house at age 17 wen he married his cousin Najwa, why then has he released videos of himself and why does al Qaeda have their media production as-sahab?

As-sahab al qaeda media production has cool effects and things to make it look decent of course, but why would they do this let alone have logos when we are guilty of lust, according to Islam, if we have pleasure in looking at nice pics.

So why then are the Islamic mosques so colourful and beautifully decorated?!

Islam teaches to not admire beauty coz it's lust.

If TV is Haram, why does al Qaeda release vidz of bin Laden %26amp; terrorism thru their As-Sahab media production?
TV is not haram. Haram stuff on TV is haram.

"Angel don't enter houses with pics either it says in Qur'an" is not in the Qur'an at all. It's an authentic saying of the prophet (peace be upon him).

And an immovable "picture" of living things is something (drawn or photographed), and TV is something else. Pictures of nature isn't prohibitted for example.

Islam does teach to admire beauty. Lust is something else completely. There's a saying of the prophet (p b u h) that Almighty God is beautiful, and He likes beauty.


Let me explain it to you a little more:

Pictures of buildings, nature, etc. are not forbidden. It's only pictures/statues of otherwise living things that are forbidden. And only if it's put in a way of honor, such as on the way or a shelf, etc.

But if it's a picture of an animal for example on a carpet, where you step on it all day and disgracing that picture basically, then it's not forbidden in that case.

And the main sources of laws are from the Noble Qur'an and the **authentic** sayings of the prophet (p b u h).

"Sunnah" is literally "the way of the prophet", such as how he prayed, ate, drank, slept, etc.

"Saheeh Al-Bukhari" means the authentic sayings of the prophet (p b u h) collected by Al-Bukhari, a man who collected those sayings after the death of the prophet basically.

Hope that helps.
Reply:as the above post. tv is not haram only haram stuff is haram

the link talks about specific stuff that are haram on tv
Reply:the severest punishment which you have mentioned is not in ISLAM,nor Prophet Muhammed said quote conjectures and heresay attributed falsely to Prophet Muhammed.

the worst are those who made partners with God Allmighty,the Arrogant ones.The mischieves,these are the ones who will get severst punishment,
Reply:I am a Muslim and definitely believe TV is not haram...if you air educational or informative programs it is great...

mindless shows with themes to instigate hate or lust or violence is Haram! Any shows going against values, ethics and morals of God is Haram....our Christian neighbor does not allow their kids to watch that also Haram?!?!

Al-Qaeda is not Islam...they are terrorists....and quoting sage 'terrorists have no religion'

hope that answered your question :)

tooth extraction

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