I know that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies under 2 years old not watch ANY TV, but what if the baby is not facing the TV (in the crib/baby seat/held by me but facing away from TV)? Can the TV's noise be harmful to the baby? I like having the TV on a lot with a newborn since so much of newborn care keeps both my hands busy, so things like reading are hard to do, but I don't want to harm the baby either. My baby is only a month old - does age matter? Would TV as a background noise be OK until the baby really becomes aware of his surroundings? Thanks in advance for your responses.
Is TV bad for a baby even if he is not watching it (just background noise)?
It's not going to hurt your baby. I have an infant, myself, and watch a toddler. Ever since my baby was born, she's been interested in the t.v. Let's face it, it's like a big, pretty, moving picture toy. In fact, when she got to the age that we put her on the floor to play, she'd contort herself so she'd be able to view the t.v.
The toddler I watch has been watching (actually watching) t.v. (her father's a professional animator and encourages cartoons), and the her doctor says she's extremely advanced. I'm not saying the t.v. has anything to do with THAT, but I'm just making a point that she's not stupid because there's a t.v. on in the background. To make a long story short, enjoy your programming and happy watching ;)
Reply:i used to hold mine when he was younger and watch tv, hes two now, running around everywhere eating desitin, telling me no to everything. perfectly normal as far as my wife, our doctor and i can tell, just play with them talk to them, dont zone out or something for 3 hours. mine watches tv with me, plays on the computer with me, plays outside with me, and his developemnt is great so says the MD. of course i think the parents who fret alot the first 2-6 months or so end up
being some of the best parents, means your always thinking and wanting whats best for the little person.
i have to agree with the post below mine, i have put in nemo or something so i can cook or put up groceries but using it to destact a kid for hours is messed up, i mean he will sometomes sit and watch half of nemo, or dance for sesame street for 20 min or watch fish on tv for a while, play a playstaion game for aw hile with me, but hours?? thats just not right to ingnore your kids that long
Reply:Music or television pretty much the same when it comes to noise. I have always had the television on since she was born, believing noise is good for them especially when you put them to sleep they won't jump at everything they hear. Of coarse we don't put the baby too close. My little girl is nine months and she now loves the t.v and laughs and gets excited over some commercials and programs and dances to the music.
Reply:My baby is a month and he's seems to be doing fine i have the tv running through the day
Reply:I have 5 boys and I have talked with dr about this. The tv stimulates the baby's mind but in a negative way. When I found this out I went and got classical music..not the kind that makes you sick...lol but the kind like walmart sells...Scottish bagpipes and all...anyway, I can tell a difference. The boys I didn't use that on are not as well mannered as the younger ones and not as smart...lol not that they are stupid...the younger ones are just smarter. Try getting CD with classical or peaceful music. Our walmart has these Cd's in the candle department with a board you can just touch and hear.
Reply:No the noise of the TV may actually be soothing the baby. As long as the child is not actually able to watch the tv that is ok.
Reply:Background noise is not going to HARM your baby, my son watches baby einstien once and a while and just loved it when he was a baby, it plays classical music and all the colors and shapes; he has learned a ton of vocab from them. He doesn't watch tv though and I think children need other stimulation to open their minds. Don't worry, just don't use it as a babysitter.
Reply:I don't think it would harm the baby unless the baby was sitting close to the tv staring at the lights all the time. I think you have it covered.
Reply:They need to use their imaginations and learn how to make fun for themselves in boring situations. TV just depresses our abilities, I think.
Reply:I'm a new mom too and I let my son watch TV, cartoons and stuff he loves the songs and the bright colors....I figure until they are big enough to actually do something they should get to watch TV so there is something to amuse them........I mean he only gets like an hour or so a day so I can pick up the house or what not and he usually goes to sleep watching it.
Reply:they say its bad
but i cant get my husband to ever turn ours off when hes home so id go for it lol if u have a hubby u may know what im talkin bout lol
i would only have it on like 2-3 hours a day but its obviously easier said than done
Reply:I had similar concerns with my daughter. Sitting there breastfeeding all day got very boring so the tv was always on. She is now 10 months old and could care less about the tv really...once and a while she look up and dances to a commercial, but really no interest in it. I've never used the tv as a babysitter for her and only occasionally put a show on for HER to watch. A friend of mine always has the tv on a children's channel 24/7 and her little one is not yet 2. She started putting the cartoons on right from birth and in my opinion this is just too much television for a little one...especially when she is use to eating dinner in front of it. I think the tv to young babies is just background noise and they aren't really interested in adult programming. As they get older you can start introducing cartoons to them but limit the amount of time they spend in front of them. Using the tv as a babysitter is the real danger of television as well as inappropriate programming. Even at 10 months I would not watch anything that may scare her like a horror movie.
Reply:no tv isent harmful at all..sounds of tv isent bad either....if u put on some thing the baby..todler can learn some thing from it will increase moderskills dipending on the show..
Reply:It's not going to hurt your baby, just as long as it's not too loud.
Reply:no, not at all honey! it actually can be a calming noise for the baby.
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