Sunday, July 11, 2010

HD TV Question?

We had a Nice old TV in our living room but it broke so my parents decided to take my TV out of my room and put it in the living room. Now my dad wants to get an HD TV but he hasnt found one that he likes yet and its been about a year in a Half since they took the TV out of my room so i want to know what are some good HD TV's on the market or coming out that i could convince my dad into getting and so i could get my regular TV back.

HD TV Question?
Do you know how much money your father is willing to pay for a HD TV? Also how big a screen does your father want? These two questions need to be answered before anyone can give you a good answer.

Also is your father willing to buy a CRT HD TV or is he looking at a plasma or LCD? This is a big question right now as CRT's of all kinds (computer monitors, TV, HD TV's) are being phased out and LCD's and plasma's are more expensive.

If your father is willing to go with a CRT HD TV, he may be able to get a really good deal. BUT he must act quickly. Stores are clearing their inventory of what few CRT's they have left.

I will use a 32" TV as an example. (My wife has bad eyesight and I need a larger TV for her.) I could barely find any 32" CRT's in the stores. Their picture quality was not as qood as my failing JVC. 32" flat screens (non HD) were at least $900 and their picture still wasn't as good as my old JVC. Anything close to a 32" flat screen HD TV with a decent picture was around $2000 minimum. But at the fourth store, they had a 30" CRT HD Toshiba TV on clearance. I got a $1000 to $1500 HD TV with excellent picture for $550. That is why I am recommending a CRT HD TV. There are still some good deals out there if you take the time to shop around.

Addition - If your father can afford the cost of a good flat screen HD TV, then that's the direction I would go. But if cost is an issue then a CRT HD TV at a "clearance" price is a good TV that will fulfill the HD need until a person can afford a good flat screen HD TV. It also allows you to convert to HD a little at a time. The cost of the HD TV, HD satelite receiver, HD TIVO or DVR and a HD DVD player is substancial. Also we are waiting on the technology to get a little better (video and audio feed on HD sometimes is out of sync).

Addition 2: Thanks for getting the info needed. Hopefully someone will answer your question with greater expertise than I have. I was offering you a cheap answer but your dad sounds like he's willing to pay the money it will take to get a good HD LCD TV. He's moved beyond my knowledge level.
Reply:your dad is looking at the old crt bigscreens those are the old style its like 8 track! have him look for sony sxrd or samsung 56 dlp set or even mits dlp set you can find 56 jvc bigscreen hdlia set for around 2100 bucks
Reply:How about the Sony 55" LCD Projection HDTV (KDF-55E2000) at the awesome Price of just $1899.99. The speakers are not covered with soft anything, they are hard plastic or metal. This is not a flat panel TV but it is LCD and the picture is great. You can get it here and when you add it to your basket you will see the price of $1899.99 instead of the advertised $2300.00. It's below your dads budget and it is a sweet HDTV made by Sony. If your dad is really going to buy a new TV and is not just trying to shut you up he has no excuse for turning this one down.
Reply:jvc makes a hd tv with out the foam speaker cover

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