Thursday, August 19, 2010

Did our TV just break?!?

Help! My 2 year old son got into the windex while I was in the bathroom. I walked into the living room to find him squirting the front of our new SYLVANIA LC370SS8 TV! In the manual, it says to NEVER spray the TV with a cleaning agent, it will mess the picture up. The picture is messed up, half of the screen is can still see the picture, it's just in blue and white. Did he ruin the TV, or is there something I can do to fix this?? HELP!

Did our TV just break?!?
Call a tv repair guy. They might be able to order a part for you.
Reply:Sorry To say, but your TV probably is broken. you should wait one day and see if it goes back to normal, if not then you must buy a new TV since the warranty Does NOT cover problems like this
Reply:Your TV is busted
Reply:Probably broken but you may want to leave it off for a couple of days and see if it comes back to life. And if you still have a warranty it just started doing this one day ; )
Reply:No, pretty sure its busted man. Time to go checking your warranty and finding phony excuses like 'i turned it on it was just like that!'
Reply:Well, I wonder if he was HOSING it down with Windex....

If so, you might get lucky by drying it out.

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