Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Re Tv Licensing up again No way?

Re Tv Licensing up again,

if you have only got sky TV, You should only pay for sky TV if you NTL tv you should only pay for NTL TV, if you have FreeView Then it should be freeView . or the better way, if you can opt out the bbc channels would be good thing as i only watch the news from time to time,when it go's up to £151.00 i shall be pulling out, shame on you BBC,

Yours aquamanuk2007 john from the north,

Re Tv Licensing up again No way?
I don't really care for the licence fee either, but if you look at the low quantity of quality on Sky/Cable, along with incessant advertising and absurd amount of repetition, the £120 or so at the moment doesn't look too bad value really.

If you chuck in a Freeview receiver, £10 a month makes a mockery of the crap that is broadcast by Sky.

It's the way TV has developed in this country that has created the licence fee, if there was an option to opt out, it would be able to be bypassed by some device.

I only watch a small amount of television but it is primarily BBC, and It's almost worth a tenner to have uninterrupted, quality viewing.
Reply:i agree with you.

every1 just demands money and no-one complains or does anything about all these hikes, and yet the service is still appalling and we have no choice but to pay
Reply:got sky

dont watch bbc (unless on sky)

me and millions of others shouldnt pay
Reply:They dont spend the money wisely thay get now, repeats , after repeats what a cheap way to go, dull uninteresting programs , one or two exceptions ,why contribute to foot ball pot there are enough channels doing that now, other channels leap on the band waggon too , a film comes up for rent so they all buy in, hence one film three times a week on different channels. lets take the cost from average house-£131-sky pack min £180- avg electric £35 =£346, not much chance for people on a pension and they are the one who use it most
Reply:Re Tv Licensing

the BBC say they do not raise money by advertising but they do advertise BBC magazines and stuff so why cant they raise money like ITV and advertise.

it used to be that if you couldnt get bbc channels you didnt have to pay. so they moved the goal posts and now you have to pay.

also dont you think its kind of strange how if you dont pay you get a CRIMINAL RECORD!!!!!! and a huge fine.

but if you dont get paid for a job you do you have to take them to court!!

lets face it the BBC and the Goverment are in BED together to shaft the general public.

the Goverment make out they want people to give up smoking etc if everyone stopped smoking tomorrow they would have to raise that £3.00 they make a packet somewhere????
Reply:i agree

who watches BBC anyway

except for the news
Reply:I AGREE!!!!!

It's not right because as you say, we already pay for our viewing to our digital provider, mine personally is Telewest. I don't watch the BBC ever! I really don't understand why I should have to pay for it. I pay my license through their easy pay scheme, which means I have a card and pay off £6 every couple of weeks. They send you a text message if you miss a payment, so I called them up months ago to tell them I'd cahnged mobile number and gave them my new details. I thought I had paid all of mine off, then last week I got a really nasty letter off them saying they had contacted me loads of times to pay off the last £6 and I hadn't done it so they were cutting my license and I would be fined £1000!!!!! Thing is, I'd never got any contact from them telling me to pay the last installment! I called them up and they'd been texting my old phone even though I'd given them my new one. They were really nasty but said if I paid the money off straight away my license would still be valid. Idiots. Haven't they ever heard of post or email or house phones? Texting is unreliable. But anyway, it's the bill I hate paying the most.

Why can't BBC just have adverts like everyone else? And get some better programmes!
Reply:At least it is only going up my the rate of inflation. They could have got the amount they actually wanted :(

I would love to OPT out. Can't see that happening though. Maybe when analouge is turned off ?
Reply:I have never paid a TV licence in my life.

If everyone in Britain had the spine to stand up for themselves and JUST SAY NO TO TV TAX, the BBC would fold in months.

The BBC do not put better quality programmes on, there radio stations suck and I can live without the BBC.

They constantly remind us that we are CRIMINALS for watching our own TV in our own home without paying TV TAX.

I am happy to goto jail for my NONE PAYMENT of TV tax.

" If you don't like the FINE, do the TIME." may watch some TV while I am there.

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